Perspectives on Financial Decision Making
Professor Steven Huddart
(Penn State University)
Bern, July 17-19, 2013
This course is designed for PhD students and post-doctoral researchers who would like to extend and deepen their expertise on current research issues in accounting.
The course investigates financial decision-making by corporate managers from a range of theoretical and methodological perspectives. Three specific topics will be considered:
- social norms and ethical motivations for honest accounting;
- responses to insider trading regulation; and
- the decision to exercise, purchase, or sell financial instruments.
Each of these topics will be considered from two or more theoretical perspectives using two or more research methods, so that the insights from specific economic models, laboratory experiments, and archival studies on related questions can be assembled. Economic, psychological, institutional, and sociological theories will be considered as foundations for understanding and predicting behavior.
Participants will be challenged to develop models, laboratory experiments, and archival/empirical tests that are logical and interesting next steps in these streams of research.
The course encourages young scholars in accounting to explore combinations of paradigms and methods with the aim of advancing their own research agendas.