The Summer School on Accounting is designed for PhD students and young post-doctoral researchers in accounting who would like to extend and deepen their knowledge on current research issues in accounting. The summer school is held annually and is organized jointly by
- Christian Hofmann (LMU München).
- Alexis H. Kunz (University of Bern)
- Thomas Pfeiffer (University of Vienna).
The venue alternates between the three hosts. Internationally renowned researchers in accounting are invited as instructors.
Previous summer courses were held by (in alphabetical order):
- Chen, Qi (Duke)
- Christensen, John (Southern Denmark)
- Demski, Joel S. (Florida)
- Fischer, Paul E. (Wharton)
- Glover, Jonathan (Columbia)
- Huddart, Steven (Penn State)
- Indjejikian, Raffi J. (Michigan)
- Ittner, Chris (Wharton)
- Nanda, DJ (Miami)
- Rajan, Madhav V. (Chicago)
- Reichelstein, Stefan (Mannheim/Stanford)
- Rennekamp, Kristina Marie (Cornell)
- Rohlfing-Bastian, Anna (Frankfurt)
- Stocken, Phillip C. (Dartmouth College, Hanover/USA)